Powering beauty with the sustainable packaging
of the future

At mPackting we re-think the concept of cosmetic packaging. Our material mBlack™ stores CO2 captured from the
atmosphere to make it a structural part of our products.

Introducing mBlack™

Your ideas, our technologies

Every great journey begins with a first step.
Do you have something in mind? Tell us about it!

Don’t settle for

Our partners and our customers unquestionably
deserve better. Only by raising the bar, we will get
better results and escape mediocrity.

Our Services

We use our materials to manufacture your products, cutting down their environmental impact.

We proudly pursue excellence and innovation. These principles determine our way of being, our actions, and the relationship with our customers


At mPackting we value the importance of positive partnerships to achieve success. Industrial partnerships push the boundaries of innovation, ultimately
leading to better products and services. In our sector product design is crucial, which is why we have partnered with Thierry De Baschmakoff, one of the
finest agencies out there, to make sure that our designs meet our clients’ expectations.

“Creation needs materials and materials
need a vision” 

- Thierry De Baschmakoff